Fee Schedule

At the Empire Dental Office, we only perform medical care that is not covered by insurance. Our aim is not only to cure tooth decay and gum disease, but also to improve the overall hygiene of the mouth and support the health of the body as a whole. We aim to provide our patients with the best possible treatment without restrictions, and strive to achieve a state of “healthcare zero” where treatment is not necessary.

Approximate treatment fees

Revisit Fee
5,500 yen
17,500 yen
Cavity treatment
from 26,000 yen
Root canal treatment
from 120,000 yen
Partial denture (metal base)
from 770,000 yen
Complete dentures (full dentures)
from 495,000 yen


Perfect Whitening Office whitening (12 upper and lower teeth) Home Whitening
Location Empire Dental Office + Home Empire Dental Office Home
Period/Number of sessions At Empire Dental Office 2 sessions + At Home 10 sessions At Empire Dental Office 2 sessions At Home 10 sessions
Cost 80,000 yen 45,000 yen 35,000 yen

Payment methods

Payment is accepted in cash, various credit card, or by bank transfer.
All of treatment costs are tax included prices.

Medical cost deduction

You can receive the deduction if the total of your medical costs and transportation expenses for visiting the hospital is 100,000 yen or more. Please contact us for more details.
